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Date and Time Wednesday March 12th 2025 1:11:51 pm
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* Stalker If you missed the part Six (6), read it Here!!!
Episode 7
Engineer Mike: what!!!!!!
Tracy: are you deaf or what?
Engineer Mike: please don’t do this to me, please don’t.
Tracy: shut up.
She said and he immediately kept quiet. She wore her special necklace and her tail was converted into legs once again.
Tracy: you better follow me..
She said and he obeyed her without complaining. She has total control over him as long as she have already had s-x with him.
She took him to his kitchen where she picked a sharp knife.
Tracy: lie down on this table.
She said pointing to the kitchen table and he quickly obeyed her. She took the knife and disected his thorasic cavity where she brought out his heart and then she cut off his manhood.
The heart will be feed on by the mermaids while the manhood is used as a sacrifice to increase their strength and mystical power.
For every man that is a womaniser, his manhood is being separated and used for the sacrifice. Well in some cases, it is totally different.
If the victim they killed isn’t a womaniser, then his manhood can’t be used as a sacrifice or else, their powers will be drained.
After getting all the necessary items she needed, she disappeared.
I was still in my room sleeping when my mum shouted my name from downstairs.
Mum: Diana!!
Mum: Diana come downstair immediately.
I stood up from my bed and stretched myself.
Me: owwwww!!
I yawned lazily as I made my way downstairs to meet my mum.
Mum: what really happened to you when you went out to meet your friends?
Me: nothing mum.
Mum: do you know that since you came back from your friend’s place you have slept for over six hours?
Me: what!!!!!!
I checked the time which was reading 9:30 pm and I could remember vividly well that I entered inside my house around 2:45pm. Is it because I went to a spiritual place or because of the herbs I ate?
Me: nothing mum, I am okay.
Mum: ok, go and brush your teeth before meeting your dad, he is waiting for you, also your food is on the dining table. Just be fast you hear?
Me: yes mum.
I said as I hurriedly went upstair. I brushed my teeth and came back to meet my dad who was watching channels news by then.
Meet my dad, average in height but a robust man. He is dark in complexion while my mum and I are exactly his opposite. He is not a womaniser, he doesn’t cheat, he loves doing things on time and he loves people who are good and well mannered. He goes to work early in the morning and comes back late in the night. He is always protected by two policemen, segun and frank. That’s enough for now, you will know him better as the story progresses.
Dad: the most beautiful princess I have ever seen.
Me: *blushed*
Dad: what happened to you. I came back and you were sleeping, that’s odd.
Me: what do you mean dad?
Dad: you don’t normally sleep in the afternoon, remember you hate it because you said those that sleep during midday are usually fat.
Me: I was tired that’s all.
Dad: ok, your food is on the dining table, go and eat.
I rushed to the dining table, there was two plates covered there. I opened the first one, fried rice and chicken. I opened the second, it was filled pepper soup containing liver, heart and other things gotten from goat.
I quickly rushed my food, came back to the sitting room to greet my dad and mum before heading upstairs for the final sleep against tomorrow.
I know for sure Tracy will come and meet me in school. But the problem is I am not willing to see her. To hell with her god forsaking beauty but d--n, she is really beautiful. What a twist!
To be continued...
Click Here to read episode 8
2017-05-07 02:55 (edited 2017-05-11 15:59 by Stalker ) · Reply · (0)

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