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* Stalker At 10:00pm I have not eaten nor drank water, I had no dime
on me yet I was looking so fancy, who would believe me that
as I was dressed I had no kobo on me, I was even lucky those
guys did not strip me off my shoes and clothes sef, else I
would have been a mad nigger in lagos,
Nwanne ifea di wonderful.
Then I summon another courage to go meet food vendors that
where selling alone that busy ojota bus stop, I saw one good
looking lady selling food, she's pretty and cool, I when to her
and narrated my ordeal to her, but before then, I waited until
she was less busy, then it was going to 11:15 am Tuesday,
after narrating my ordeal to her, she pity me, damn I hate pity,
but I had no other choice than to accept the pity, she when
and buy me a tooth brush and paste, gave me pure water and
told me not to look at anybodys face, I should wash my
mouth, as I was doing that, people were starring at me, but I
ignored them, after washing my mouth, she gave me full plate
of rice, spaghetti, beans infact all the food she have there she
mixed all of them for me, like as if she knows I have big belle,
I ate and breeze touched me, before I could know it I slept off,
I woke up again around 3:30pm by then she's done for the
day, she wana get going, she did not ask me if I would follow
her home and I dare not ask her, so I told her I can manage,
she gave me 1000 and gave me her phone number. Her name
is AMARACHI. From ebonyi state, that day I fall in love with
ebonyi girls, lolz, na love bring me come this suffer o, yet I
still dey talk about love Hahahahaha, no blame me ni, this
HEART ain't loyal....
Now am officially on my own again, amara is gona, the 1st
friend I met in lagos, I now have 1k with me, but I still need
1500 to complete my T.fare back, and wat eva am gona do, I
need to act fast, am not gona spend any other night here, so I
walked to the traffic again, with every zeal in me, I saw a
trailer and the back is empty, is one of these trailers that do
carry goods from ibadan to lagos, I went to him, and asked for
a lift, he told me to jump into the back, I did not even ask him
his destination I just jumped in, anything that will take me out
of that place is all I needed, so inside the truck I dozed off
again, only to wake up inside YALE FOODS COMPANY LTD.
Omg!!! What am I doing here, inside a the back of a trailer,
then I remembered I jumped inside a trailer back there at
ojota lagos state, now am in oyo state, and am on my own.....
I managed to jumb out of the truck, luckily for me the driver
was still around, he then helped me out of the company, else I
would have slept in the police cell that day.
It was 5:15pm and am still in oyo state ibadan precisely.
From where I was I remembered I have 1k inside my pocket
so I took a cab from there to lagos ibadan express in
ibadan.... before I reach there, it was 5:45, when I got there I
saw another trailer heading the direction of Benin I rushed to
him, begged him to give me a lift, he asked me where am
going to, I told him am going to the east, that am stranded and
don't have any money on me, he asked me if am a driver or a
conductor, I told him no, he almost ignored me but I begged
him yet the more until he saw the seriousness in me, luckily
for me he was heading to onitsha, na so I take see myself
again for another truck.
We began our journey enrouthing down to east, on our way
the worst happened.....
All these trouble just because of ANITA......
We shall continue in the Tomorrow,
don't go no where As my journey to EKO continues....
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