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* Stalker If you missed the part twelve (12), read it HERE!!!
Episode 13
I looked into the mirror and gasped. Inside the mirror was me, inside a coffin. That was not the worst of all. At my left was my dad in a coffin likewise my mum too who was in a coffin at my right.
A large crowd of people stood around us. The priest said his prayers and that was it. I couldn’t look at it again and the mirror fell from my hand. Surprisingly, the mirror didn’t break.
Tracy: that will happen to you if you refuse to become a member.
Me: no, it can’t be. No!!
Tracy: yes, and the worst of it all is that you have less than seven days to become a member or you die. Hahaha.
I woke up with goose bumps all over my body. I looked around the room and everywhere was quiet and lonely. Just me in it.
I slept again but this time, Tracy didn’t appear in my dream. My mum later woke me up, gave me some drugs to take including food to eat and I slept again.
This time, I dreamt that I was inside a big ocean. Swimming round and round with fishes coming from north, south, east and west to greet me.
I didn’t see my leg, under the water was very dark but something very efficient helped me in swimming inside the mighty ocean.
Voice: wake up Diana!
I woke up and saw my daddy looking at me..
Me: *with a tired voice* welcome daddy.
Dad: hmm, this one you are sleeping and murmuring some incoherent words hope all is well.
Me: I was sleep talking?
Dad: yea, you were busy talking in your sleep.
Me: hmm.
Dad: so who did you these.
He said referring to the marks on my body. Just then Tracy appeared inside the room. Behind my dad.
Me: *pointed at Tracy* she did daddy. She was the one that whipped me..
Dad: *turned and saw nothing* who are you referring to?
Me: *still pointing* her.
Dad: you mean these wall?
He said pointing at the wall behind Tracy.
Me: no, she is standing close to the wall.
Dad: hmm, is like doctor Konami didn’t do a nice job on you. Infact, your sickness have upgraded. Maybe you need a psychiatric doctor.
Me: dad please can you invite a pastor to our house.
Dad: *mtcheeew* those jobless men that do preach about tithes and offerings always?
Me: please dad, I need a pastor.
Dad: please leave pastor’s matter out of this. I don’t believe in pastors. These days, native doctors do dress in suit, carry any book they see and preach. As long it brings food and water to their table.
Me: dad!!!!!!
Dad: shut up you. If doctor Konami can’t do a nice job here. I’d move you over to Farouk psychiatric hospital. There are qualified psychiatric doctor there. Maybe one or two test is ok of you…
He said and left. That’s the problem with my family. They don’t believe in God not to talk of pastors, prophets and the likes.
Tracy: nice try, nice try.
She said and disappeared.
Me: am in a hot soup.
To be continued...
Click Here To read episode 14
2017-05-07 12:18 (edited 2017-05-12 01:10 by Stalker ) · Reply · (0)

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