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* Stalker I got downstairs sop and nasco have been waiting for the
past four hours for me, it's 7:00pm and we are set to sleep
there, we are gona do tarry night without prayer on Anita, sop
got up, straight to the room, moments leta we heard struggles
and voice, she was screaming the name of the capon asking
him why he brought her there to be raped to death, we know
that sop can handle it so we ignored then, some minutes later
they both were calm, definitely have began there journey of
thousand miles nasco asked me what's up with the girl, I
began gisting him how sweet and good anita is on the bed,
nasco couldn't help the hard ons on him, he was busy carring
his standing d-ck up and down the sitting room, he can't wait
for much longer he want to tear Anitas kitty cat apart, the
capon came out from his room and asked us to go to the
kitchen and make ourselves foods as we will have lots of
fvcking to the that night. I rushed to the kitchen, trust ma
cooking na, I cooked better jollof rice mixed with Indian hemp,
( 5taps of igboo) the food was still on process we sop can out
3hrs late,
Now the time is 10:00pm. Nascos turn, Anita was already
weak, Sop really dealt with her, I only made love to her but
Sop raped her mercilessly, nasco went in and we did not hear
any noise, I served the food to Sop who obviously was
exhausted due to struggling with Anita, he ate the janga made
jollof rice, Mehn na another man power I prepare so ooo, he
ate and slept off, the capon was going next after nasco, me I
ate the rice and took to my fone now playing, DO me I do you
by psquare: singing along, if you do me I do you, man no go
vex, step on de dance floor, (me change am to step on the bed
floor) man no go vex touch me I touch u man no go vex, you
say, I say man no go vex. Mehn I was just feeling as am
preparing to go on my return match, nasco came out by
2:00am, then the capon was fast asleep, so I decided to take
up his turn.
I got to the room, anita was looking like a dead dog on th beg,
I wanted to mercy 4 her but then my d-ck began singing
( mercy say no, am not gona let you go) you know the rest
na,lolz, that's what my d-ck was singing, I pulled down my
boxers dive to the bed, no time for romance again I just went
down to business, Anita was just looking at me she couldn't
say a word, she was damn tired, I socket my anaarconda into
her port, started feeling Good all over again, Anita was just
releasing tears, but on that bed at that moment, there were no
mercy, she got tired obviously but I bleeped on, she was just
tired and wish to beg but obviously tired of begging cuz sop
and nasco with there capon are game men, u can only waste
you time begging such people for mercy, I rode on anita till
5:am, den I decide to leave, I Bleep her well well and my d-ck
got pissed off with the same old story( her kitty cat was hot
and even th out layer turn red) No food, no water just s-x for
anita. After fvcking her till 5:00am, I went to the kitchen and
got her over size plate of food cuz she don't need to die there,
she ate the Indian hemp filled rice and water, moments late
she fell asleep, she slept till 7:00am in the morning, by then
both sop, nasco and their capon were just awake..... the
capon went in to anita and bleeped her till 11:am, and came
out asking who's next, all of us were obviously tired, as for
me, I wasn't tired to Bleep but tired of the now widen kitty cat,
we don Bleep her deeper.
So since nobody was ready to Bleep again, we allowed her rest
till 1:00 the capon sent me to go fetch her, I went and told her
to take her bath and get dressed, moment later she appeared
before the judgement seat of the capon, and the following
judgement arosed.
You invited 70 men to 70 different locations and got them
stranded, you never care to know what happen to them ever
after, you inflict pain on them and called them fools you made
them fall for you dirty tricks and you planned 30 more men to
go down, now nemesis have caught on you, and you have to
pay, now before I pronounce my judgement on you, tell me,
are you guilty or not guilty?
She did not talk, Sop gave her a thunder storm kinda slap,
guilty followed the slap outta her mouth,
The capon asked her again, Are you quilty or not guilty, she
answered with her voice shaking "Guilty" Good, the capoon
So now my judgement. Drop your hand bad, your jewelleries
and step outta my crib before I change my mind,
Anita couldn't believe her ears and said eehh, she got
another resounding slap. From Sop and her bag dropped and
her jewelleries down on the table the capon asked her to go
call the police army or navy, that he's got the house and ain't
running from his house, she quickly ran outta the compound.
I was asked to open the bag and I did, her phone, samsung
galaxy s3 with her small phone nokia asha 200, her make up
kit, tissue and pads, her 2nd cloth and pant. I was asked to
remove the sim from the galaxy and keep it replacement of
my lost bold5. The asha 200 was giving to sop and nasco to
sell and buy there wasted airtime calling her, then we were
asked to dispose the bag on our way out and the sims, we
thanked the capon for helping us avenge our bleeped up. Till
date I never heard from anita again.
She got what she deserved and I had no single regret fucking
her upto 7 long hour and a samsung galaxy s3 to replace my
lost bb. This is the story of my journey to EKO(lag) part 1.
Watch out for SEASON 2.
*********THE END***********
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