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* Stalker if you missed part 9 CLICK Here to read it
Episode 10
Tracy’s side of the story continues
Since there was nothing Important to do in school, I decided to visit the queen mother and tell her of all the things that have been going on.
I quickly got to the sea shore but there were people around it so transforming was impossible. Seeing that the people were not going anywhere, I took off my cloth. Left with only my pant and bra, I dove into the water and was swimming.
Boy 1: That girl looks very beautiful.
Boy 2: and hot.
Boy 3: she is also a good swimmer.
The people around were looking at me because my beauty was attractive to them just like honey to bees. I have to stay under the water for about fifteen minutes before swimming to the top again.
I kept on doing that till I saw that the people around was loosing interest in me. I swam under the water again but this time, I didn’t go up.
I removed my necklace and since nobody was in the water at that time, I did a quick transformation and swam with great speed to our coven.
I entered inside our huge and gigantic castle, removed my necklace and my legs were back. I walked briskly to our queen mother and bowed down a little for her.
Me: long live the queen mother.
Queen: you are welcome my daughter, what brought you here by this time.
Me: queen mother is about Tracy?
Queen: the choosen one? What about her.
Me: *I narrated everything that happened in school, how she snobed me and tried to disgraced me in the presence of everyone.*
Queen: hmm, she is trying to proof stubborn. From now on, I am handing her over to you. Do to her anything you wish but don’t kill her because I want her to be initiated.
Me: *with a wicked smile* ok queen mother, thank you very much.
Queen: you can now go…
I swam back to shore but I wore my necklace before swimming to the surface of the water.
I came out of the water while the boys were there busy looking at me.
Boy 1: did she spend close to thirty minutes under water?
Boy 2: d--n she must be a good swimmer.
Boy 3: a sexy and cute one for that matter.
I just ignored them as I wore my school uniform and went back to school with a smile on my face.
Diana’s side of the story continues
I looked around and couldn’t find Tracy anywhere. I was scared. Where did she go to for the past forty five minutes. Maybe I should I look for her and apologize.
I was thinking when she walked inside the class with a smile on her face. She was looking calm as If I didn’t offend her at all.
The whole class was overwhelmed by the way she was cool and I was happy. Maybe she has forgiven me.
The rest of the day was uneventful. They rang closing bell and I went out to search for Tracy to apologise to her but she was nowhere to be found.
I looked for her everywhere but couldn’t find her. I decided to meet Joy, told her farewell and went to my driver Emma. Who was waiting for me to take me home.
Unknown to me, Tracy was planning her attack on me.
To be continued..
Click Here to read episode 11
2017-05-07 12:05 (edited 2017-05-12 01:04 by Stalker ) · Reply · (0)

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