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* Stalker If you missed the part Eight (8), read it HERE !!!
Episode 9
Joy: Diana!!!!!!
She shouted as I jerked upwards.
Me: hey, why did you scream my name like that?
Joy: have been calling you for the past five minutes but you were not answering me..
Me: sorry, my mind was preoccupied.
Joy: can you share your thoughts with me?
Me: hmm, just forget about it. Its nothing important.
Joy: well, if you say so. Can I have your mathematics note book.
Me: for what?
Joy: don’t tell me you were in wonderland when the mathematics teacher came here, demanding we all submit our assignment before they ring the bell for break.
Me: *pretending* lol, I was only pulling your leg. Here, take and submit it for me..
I said as I gave her the mathematics book. she opened it and cross checked it.
Joy: good, everything you did is correct.
She said as she stood up and walked away.
I was still there thinking when I felt a cold touch upon my shoulder, I trembled and looked up. It was Tracy who came to my sit with a smile on her face.
Tracy: permit me..
She said as she sat down right besides me. I looked around and the whole class where busy staring at us.
Me: *d--n, the whole class is looking at us*
Tracy: *whispering* so what say you?
Me: *silent*
Tracy: have you made up your mind?
Me: *silent*
Tracy: Diana!!
Me: *silent*
By this time, some students were busy giggling because I snob her. Tracy eventually got tired, she stood up and left in anger. Just then, Joy walked inside.
Joy: *sitting down* hey what did you do that made Tracy very angry?
Me: nothing, I just ignored her when she was talking to me that’s all.
Joy: strange, where you not the same person admiring her beauty all this while?
Me: abegee, did you have any water there with you?
Joy: yes, my bottle water is here with me.
Me: help me with it please.
I said as an Idea got into my head. Am going to disgrace Tracy right here in school. Everybody will see that she is a mermaid right now.
I collected the water and walked to where she was sitting down, pretending to be drinking the water. I did as if I stumbled against something and I fell on her making sure that I poured all the water on her body during this process.
Everybody: hahahahahahaha
they all laughed as Tracy was d--n soak, the white cloth glued on her body making her b----t more visible but I wasn’t laughing. I was surprised she didn’t transform into a mermaid. How come?
Tracy was filled with shame at the way the students were laughing at her. She ran out of the class with tears in her eyes.
Joy: what did you that for?
She asked immediately I came back to my sit.
Me: nothing. I stumbled and fell.
Joy: please don’t lie to me. Even a little baby will know that you did that on purpose.
Me: *silent*
Joy: I just hope you know what you are up to.
Yea she is right, I f----d up big time and I know that Tracy will be back for me.
[b]Tracy’s side of the story continues
I was very angry and ashamed. So Diana wanted to disgrace and exposed me all these while. Thank goodness I brought my special necklace with me or my secret would have been exposed.
Me: Diana, you have bitten more than you can chew, be prepared for war!!!!!!
To be continued...
Click Here to read episode 10
2017-05-07 03:01 (edited 2017-05-11 16:01 by Stalker ) · Reply · (0)

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