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* Stalker I don chop finish so make we ride on.
The due day was fast approaching as I kept having my day
dreams on how I will pound on Anita, and she didn't help
matters as she was busy sending me her nudes, quite
tempting and interesting, she have gigantic and elegant body
build and curves that has always been on my mind, all along I
just sit and begin to imagine how it will be me and Anita all
alone in a dark room.
Anita will wake me up every morning with a romantic love
Sms and voice notes on whatsapp and bbm, everything was
just going smooth and sweet over the phone, so I felt secured
and carried away with all that Anita shows me, all along Anita
never request that I send her airtime, unlike all this other
hungry lions that will request for airtime one u chat with them
for up to 3hours, they will come up with gist like, "hey
darling,(they will call you sweet names to make u feel untop)
am running out of mb now and I dnt have airtime to subscribe,
can u please help me with airtime? Such people I don't waste
seconds in deleting them. Lolz don't call me stingy o because
I know that the girls reading this story now most of them are
like that,: back to the matter, Anita never asked me for
anything so that made me feel so secured and trusted her,
On the 3rd of Feb, 2014, was the due day, anita called me at
12:45 am that morning to remind me of my trip to come and
see her, I told her am away, she told me to enter a hummer
bus ITC precisely so I had to wake up 4:30 am on Monday 3rd
Feb 2014 I prayed and committed my trip into the hands of
God, even though I know I had the plans to Go and pound
Anitas big behind, after praying with my mixed feelings of
both nervous and excitement, I brushed my teach, took my
birth and picked up my small cross hand back as I was going
to stay for 3day I picked some few clothes and shoes.
Before all this I discussed with Anita and she told me that
she's living alone so I shouldn't bother myself on where I will
sleep as her house was very comfortable,
So I relaxed and my biggest mistake I too only but 10k.
As I did not budget for hotel bills so I only planned for my
T.fare which was 2500 from owerri to lag, and my to and flo is
5000, so I said to myself extra 5k was just gona be enough.
At 5:00am anita called me again, reminding me and also to
know if am ready yet, so then I was ready, I locked my door,
gave ma neighbour my room key, before then they have
discouraged my on the journey but I never payed them any
I stepped out to from 25 royce road owerri where I stay down
to old nekede road junction there I got a keke that took me to
ITC park at MCC road owerri, the keke man charge me 500
that morning, my money reduced 9500.
As I got to the park, I was lucky enough to get the last ticket. I
paid 2500. Am down with 7000.
I ate rice and beans with one meat, 200 with coke -cola, then
as the bus was ready to take off, I bought gala and casara as I
heard that the journey is too far and I will need to be ready.
The bus left the park at around 6:03am all through the journey
I did not allow sleep to get to me, I wanted to see all that
needed to be see, it was my first time to lagos, lolz it feels
like going to Europe hahaha.
We got to head bridge onitsha, at around 7:15am, that driver
can speed o, we crossed then proceeded to delta state,
Anita called me again at around 7:30am and I told her we are
already at delta state, all this while we have been chatting,
she told me of the food she was preparing for me, I got even
more excited, she is preparing egusi soup and pondo yam, I
neva really eat the pondo yam before though but since it's
swallow, it is my favourite
I can't remember all the other cities we passed through but
what I know was that the trip was just going snappy and rapid
We got to a place where anita asked me to remind her once
we get there, so I called Anita to tell her we are there, that
was around 4:59pm, anitta did not pick her call. Then I gave
her 5mins before calling back, then she was showing online
on whatsapp and on facebook, I sent her msg on whatsapp
that am at the place she asked me to remind her on reaching
Anita read the msg but did not respond. I was numbed and
perplexed at why she ignored, I couldn't think of any
negativity I just relaxed, remember I don't know anywhere in
lagos o. I was to drop at ojota but anita refuse to pick my
calls when I called until I was taken to mazamaza
We were still at ogere at the lagos ibadan express way when
all this was happening, but anita did not answer.
Abeg make I go brush, I go tell you how my trip to
eco ended in the Evening. Keep it locked down, don't go no where.
To be continued....
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