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* Stalker story. By kelly.
My journey to EKO.
My names are chinedu
Kenneth ozo. I live and reside
in imo
state owerri precisely, and am
into a little kinda supply
I live alone and I enjoy my
cordial life and cheerfulness,
recently people have started
making wrong use of my
Let me quickly tell you my little
journey to ECO. Lagos.
It started November 12 2013
when I was just surfing
my facebook murtal friends
and here I met this girl, her
is Anita, anita is quite pretty
and cossy, I added her and we
started chatting, and it all
started like normal chats, we
introduced ourselves and
gradually started getting
acquainted, as time
proceeded our chats became
more fun
and lively, it moved pass just a
normal chat as we started
getting used to each other,
we chat morning, afternoon
night and we even sleep late
every night, and before we
sleep we will pray together
before login off.
As time goes on, Anita
changed her phone to a
enabled phone, and our chats
then extended to whatsapp
bbm, we talk on the phone for
many minutes and we feels
happy when we chat and talk.
This continued till January
2014 just after Christmas and
year celebration, I and anita
have gotten so used to each
other that we now see
ourselves as more than just
though I never really told anita
to be my girlfriend because I
don't really believe in distance
relationship, but then Anita
have been expecting to hear
me do that, she says it
to me of which I do get but I
always act like I don't know
she's saying, as time goes on I
later couldn't continue
pretending I have just started
falling for Anita and couldn't
hide it,
On 24th day of January, I
asked Anita out, and she was
than happy, she said to me,
what took you so long, now
whole heartedly fallen in love
with her, our relationship
moved to another level, we
dated online for more than six
months we do chat naughty,
share pictures and nudes, I
tempted to invite Anita over
the weekend or maybe a
week, but I just maintained
and pretend I don't want it,
continued until she asked that
we should see, then she said I
should come over to her place
in lagos that she lives alone
and she's missing me like
crazy, at first I paved away the
idea because I couldn't see
myself going all the way from
owerri down to lagos to visit
a girl,
Anita persuaded me till I gave
in, she was joyous to hear me
give in to coming and see her,
then we made a date of which
she gave me saying it's gonna
be very convenient for her, we
agreed that am going to stay
for three days so that we will
have enough of ourselves.
I kept day dreaming of my
journey to go see Anita
because I
never embarked on such
journey before more
especially long
distance, I was having mixed
feelings on the journey both
nervous and excited, nervous
on the risks involved and
excited that I will eat the
forbidden fruits under Anitas
what anita has front and
behind her can make a guy
his name, and can also make a
man forget his name, I kept
day dreaming on how am
gona pound on that heavy
behind, as a matter of fact her
front and has extra.
Before I forget my story let's
go back where we stopped.
I and Anita keeps calling
ourselves each time we are on
phone, it feels like we are on
free night calls, we don't lack
words and we don't fall our of
topics and gists, we were just
having the best of online
relationship because Anita so
believed in it.
Let me go and eat, when I
return I will tell you how my
journey to Eko ended,
Comment and like for quick
To be continued......
2017-01-28 00:28 · Reply · (0)

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